Categories: LMS Solutions

How Tin Can API can support trackable learning

With the ability to be accessed anywhere at anytime, e-learning has changed the face of the training industry. Thanks to the implementation of e-learning platforms, companies are now benefiting from improved compliance rates, increased engagement, reduced training time and lower costs.  Companies can also track and record learners’ progress.

Future trends

The increase of technology in our day-to-day lives has led to a new trend emerging. People’s concentration on one subject is decreasing as they surf the net and flick through news article, videos and blogs. The millennial generation* is known for having a short attention span. Their preferred medium is videos with 70% of them visiting YouTube at least once monthly and 50% of teens naming the site as their favourite.

If organisations want to develop, retain and engage their staff, they must adapt their training to their audience by implementing microlearning.

Microlearning is a way of teaching and delivering content to learners in small episodes lasting no more than 10 minutes. Instead of long self-paced online courses, microlearning take the shape of short videos, flashcards, simulations (…), but most importantly, with microlearning, the learners are in control of what and when they’re learning.

Learning is happening everywhere!

Nowadays, a learner has access to many tools from books and computers, to mobile devices and social platforms and they can learn in a variety of ways including reading, watching, listening, interacting. So if microlearning is now taking centre stage and the “experience” becomes as important as the “completion” of a course, why should organisations continue to only track standard e-learning content?

Until recently, it was difficult if not impossible to track learning outside of the standard Learning Management Systems (LMS) but the launch of Tin Can API has now revolutionised the way organisations can achieve this.

What is Tin Can API?

Also known as Experience API or xAPI, Tin Can API is a new specification for learning technology which allows the tracking of a wide range of learning a person can experience whether it is online or offline.

Until the launch of Tin Can API, SCORM was the  most widely used e-learning standard. It is able to record and track completion, time, pass/fail and single scores. SCORM has its limitations, however, as it is not able to track learning that happens outside of the LMS environment.

In comparison, Tin Can API is a lot more flexible and can record a wide range of experiences from serious games and blended learning to simulations and offline learning.

How does Tin Can API work?

The basic of Tin Can is that e-learning is happening everywhere and is driven by the learner. To record experiences, Tin Can uses statements in the form of nouns, verbs and objects. For example, Sean watched this YouTube video, Ellie read this book, Ben experienced this webpage, Stephanie carried out this simulation. No matter where the experience happens, it can be recorded.

Experience matters

Tin Can API gives organisations the opportunity to record and track data like never before and measure learning goals. People learn every day, everywhere and now, these activities are trackable and quantifiable. Through the tracking of both traditional e-learning methods and microlearning companies now have access to learning patterns and a true picture of their learners’ learning story.

As a Learning Locker partner**, Webanywhere can integrate Tin Can API to your e-learning platform. For more information, please fill in our contact form referencing Tin Can.

*Millenial Generation: a person reaching young adulthood around the year 2000.
**Learning Locker is an open source Learning Record Store; a type of data repository designed to store learning activity statements generated by Tin Can compliant learning activities.




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