Categories: Industry insights

Why Data is the Oil for Learning and Development Professionals

A recent article in the economist titled ‘The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.’ Though this is related to companies like Facebook, Google, Snapchat, Twitter and Uber and how they use data, this is no different for learning and development professionals.

The advancement in the technology world is having a greater effect for us in learning and development. For example, artificial intelligence and machine learning are progressing due to companies like Amazon leveraging this technology, startups and more mature learning technology providers are creating me-too products that have a fit in learning.

Surely data has always been (one) of the most important factors in L&D?

Yes, it has…ultimately we would argue that engagement in learning and development has been something many businesses have worked to overcome. It’s not a question of the fact data hasn’t been present, now it’s more accessible to us.

Here are a few reasons why…

– Learning Technology

The landscape has changed as businesses move away from SCORM delivery to the the experience API (xAPI) or Tin Can which always people to mine much more data about the learner’s experience.

– Quantity of Data

Much more data is now available to learning professionals as IT teams mature their approach to collecting data.

– Predictive Analytics

Tools such as Tableau can be connected to databases allowing graphical reports to be created on the fly. This means learning professionals can view how well their teams are doing much quicker than before.

– One size doesn’t fit all

With various learning technology tools now available, such as, corporate MOOCS, Mobile Apps, Learning Record Stores, Learning Management Systems and Experience Platforms. Teams are utilising various technologies to support their learning. This means data is available from a variety of tools which can be glued together to create much richer data.


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