Categories: Industry insights

Apprenticeships: A quick and easy to follow guide

What is the Apprenticeship Levy?

The apprenticeship levy is a government training scheme. Companies with a PAYE over 3 million pounds will have to pay 0.5% to a levy pot which they can then use to pay for a training programme.

What are the options?

As an employer, you have a few different options. You need to go with either an approved Skills Funding Agency (SFA) training provider, but you can also run your own apprenticeship.

  • Work with a SFA approved supplier
  • Work with several SFA approved suppliers
  • Become an employer provider

Typically, most businesses are choosing to partner with a SFA approved supplier given the resources needed to run your own in-house apprenticeship programme. SFA providers are regulated by the government, there are audits associated with this so you need to be clear about the route you choose to take.

Who do I need to involve?

It’s really important to involve your executive leadership. This is likely to be a conversation with the HR Director and Chief Financial Officer. You will need someone on the leadership team who is brought into the apprenticeship programme.

What do I need to think about?

As an employer, you will need to think about the internal resources you will need to deliver the apprenticeship.

This may cover many different areas such as:

  • People
  • IT Systems
  • Processes
  • Policies
  • Change/ communications

To learn more about how Webanywhere supported the Apprenticeship rollout for the largest Skills Funding Agency Provider, Learndirect click here.


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