Categories: Industry insights

7 Essential Steps to Upskilling and Reskilling Your Remote Workforce

A recent survey by Gartner found that 74 percent of Chief Finance Officers (CFOs) intend to move a minimum of 5 percent of their on-site staff members to permanent remote roles after COVID-19.

Almost 25 percent of respondents stated that they will shift at least 20 percent to fixed remote roles.

In fact, currently, several Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) can’t sleep because their employees didn’t have the right skills. 

Reskilling and upskilling training programs are now the only way of closing this skills shortage, especially for remote employees.

So, let’s look at how organisations can encourage upskilling and reskilling to end the big skills gap.

  • Create a learning culture 

It’s cheaper to keep an employee who works hard than to recruit a fresh professional. It costs a lot less to train or retrain a worker who is already on the job. 

You can help them hone their abilities and they’ll do better in their present job or offer them the skillsets they need to switch to a new job.

Creating a learning culture at work demonstrates that the employer genuinely cares about its workers and the worth they bring to the company. 

When staff members develop skills, they feel more empowered, more constructive, more involved with the corporation, and more dedicated to it.

  • Use fun and engaging methods 

Learning at work cannot be boring or old-fashioned anymore. 

Upskilling and reskilling courses can use new technologies like gamified modules and augmented reality to help people learn new skills. 

Also, a no-code, customised, and branded corporate smartphone app can let your remote employees gain knowledge and learn at their own pace and place using their cell devices.

  • Boost engagement

Upskilling and reskilling generate a sense of dignity and make it easier for remote employees to work together and feel like a team. 

Employees think they are important to a company and have been “endorsed” within the corporation. 

How people feel about their career advancement has a direct effect on how motivated and productive they are at jobs. When you let employees choose their own learning curves, you also make them happier.

  • Behave like a small business

Smaller organisations often have more accomplishment with upskilling and reskilling programs than bigger ones. 

It’s because small businesses are more flexible and can move faster. Small businesses can try new things more easily. 

And it’s simpler for them to analyse the correct methods for upskilling and reskilling aspects, based on training gaps.

  • Build a robust and larger skillset

Upskilling and reskilling serve as an investment for your remote employees. You are offering them new skills to help them thrive and do well as workers. 

These educational and development programs help workers move into new jobs or take on extra activities that will assist them in becoming more efficient and performing better in their jobs.

  • Protect learning budgets 

You shouldn’t cut budgets for training people who work from home right now. Utilise your finances for training and make building skills a key part of your plan for doing well. 

Concentrate on your training ecosphere and make it easier for your staff members to use it by making it mobile-friendly and readily available through a corporate mobile app.

  • Use innovative technologies 

Many companies worry that their workers don’t have the skills they’ll need in the future. Artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, and automation are all types of technologies that will change the skills of employees in the long run. 

You can encourage people to learn by training and engaging them with technological advances such as no-code corporate mobile apps. 

Companies can make it easier for workers to stay at their job positions, make them more productive, get them more involved, and give them the skills they need to do their jobs well.


By showing how reskilling helps a business in a concise, data-rich way, you can contribute to making it a vital component of how your organisation works. 

This will help your brand and your employees do well no matter how the working sphere shifts in the years to come.


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